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Sponsor Animals

Many of the animals here at the farm are rescues. Some of our rescues include Alpacas, Cats, Chickens, Dogs, Ferrets, Geese, Guinea Pigs, Goats, and Rabbits. We are dedicated to rescuing animals and giving them a place to live out their days in peace and happiness. We are NOT a not for profit and all of our rescues are cared for by us personally and through funds raised from sales of offspring, chicks and eggs. 


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We took Bo and Quatie in for a family moving out of town. Bo cannot live with other male Alpacas as he can be aggressive when with non castrated males. Quatie had not been handled much and would kick, spit and run from anyone that came near. We are happy to say that Quatie now eats treats out of our hands and is slowly trusting us. Their favorite past times are running. Quatie plays tag with Gypsy our Nubian goat. Bo runs and then drops on the ground and rubs all over or lays on his side with his feet out, playing dead.  My son has decided he wants to spin wool and show these beautiful animals in 4-H. These beauties are our awesome herd protectors. 

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

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Spooky, Bella, and Morning Star (L to R) are mini La Mancha goats. Their owner had an injury and was no longer able to care for the girls.  Esmeralda, Carmela and Jersey Girl are also goats we took in when their owners could no longer care for them. Esmeralda was dumped at a farm in Phoenix, Carmela belonged to a girl going to school and she no longer had time for her and both Carmela and Jersey Girl were raised without a herd and had a hard time. They now have a large goat run with a playground for them and their kids.  

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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Guinea Pigs
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We decided to rescue a guinea pig and it's pup that had been living with a man who had 20 males and 8 females. They were all running loose in his back yard with no care or shelter. We then decided to adopt 4 more because all four of them were shoved in a very small cage. Buddy, the male, had curled toenails and missing hair. The pups were so small for their age and Bailey was exceptionally skinny. Little did we know they can get pregnant immediately after giving birth and so we when got them all and they were already pregnant again. We ended up with 15 piggies. That is a LOT of pigs!   After 4 years of raising pigs we only have Patches left. It has been a crazy rollercoaster of emotions raising our piggy pets. 

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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Our rescued Rabbit is Thor. Thor is a large Lionhead (mix?). We adopted Thor because the owner became allergic to him after owning him for a year. Thor has severe malocclusion. He needs his teeth trimmed regularly to allow him to eat his food. Thor is a very inquisitive bunny that loves to hop around and check things out. 

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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Miss Peabody and Nemo are our sweet little chicken adoptees. Miss peabody was found on someone's door step. Her head had been picked clean and she will forever live with a bad scar on top of her head. Nemo was hatched without a wing. she was purchased as at a feed store. She has part of a wing growing out of her back now. They are both sweet little bantams that will live out their days dust bathing and hanging out as best friends. 

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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Anakin is our white (albino) Ferret. He was posted on Craigslist. I contacted the lady and it took a week for her to respond. She responded with a meeting place and that was it. When we met her she walked up handed him to me and turned around and walked away. No information, no anything. He was very thin and had bites all over. Rascal and Abu we took in from a very sweet lady that had a change in living arrangements. We were excited to find friends to keep Anakin company and they are such a joy to our family. 

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

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Snickers was found running around at the Mission Manor school area. He almost got hit so many times,  he even laid down under a City bus that stopped for the kids to cross the street. It took several of us to get him. The crossing guard said he had been running for over 6 months and he did not have a home. So he does now! He was so stinky and dirty but he is such a sweet and loving boy. We got him May 2014.

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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These are some of the "shed" kittens. They were found living under a friend's shed. We took them in when it became apparent the mother was never going to return.  The "momma" cat is Molly. she was found by my Lab mix and brought to me covered in saliva. Molly was an awesome momma to everything that got brought home. These kittens are now adults and are pictured more on my facebook page.  

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Every animal deserves to be cared for. 

Every little bit helps!


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