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I am breeding and raising Real Ameraucana chickens and Turken (Naked Neck) chickens. I do have a free ranging mixed Easter egger/ Olive egger flock that I keep for egg laying purposes. 

Ameraucana - Blue egg layer

​Ameraucana were recognized as a breed in 1984.  They lay blue eggs, have a pea comb, slate legs, full tails, muffs and beards. Currently the only recognized varieties from the APA include Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Sliver, Wheaten and White.  They come in Large Fowl and Bantam.


I currently  have Black, Blue and Buff in Large Fowl and White and Lavender in Bantams. Not all varieties are currently available.


There is NO such thing as an Americana. If it is listed as an Americana (with an i) chances are it is an Easter Egger. Although the Easter Egger have similar traits as an Ameraucana it is not a breed and is in fact just a mix of any blue egg layer ( ie. Araucana, Ameraucana, Cream Crested Legbar) and another breed. 


Black only 

Redden Rooster over 

Duane Urich hens


Splash Roo (Hippie Chicks) over Blue Hens (Whitmore hens)

Kitsch Lines
Transylvanian Naked Neck - Turken

The Turken was recognized as a breed in 1965.  The Turken are devoid of feathers on their neck and vent areas. The naked neck is a dominant trait and is easily passed on if mixed with other breeds. Transylvanian Naked neck chickens were named Turkens after they were thought to be a cross between a chicken and a Turkey. 


I offer hybrid Naked Neck chickens, bred for color varieties and Easter Egger (rainbow egg laying) Naked Neck chickens.



Naked Neck - Turken.
Hybrid Naked Neck
Easter Egger Naked Neck 

Because every animal deserves a family...

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